Floating, also known as sensory deprivation, has become very popular lately as it has been proven to be extremely helpful to those suffering from muscle and joint pain, insomnia, migraines, anxiety, and many other various ailments that arise due to the ones mentioned above. Floating allows you to block out environmental stimulus while becoming weightless. This allows the body to completely “let go”.With 800-1000 lbs of Epsom salts in each tank, this magnesium rich solution forces the muscles to relax allowing bones to realign, reducing pain and pressure within the body and allowing the body to enter into a deep restorative state. This deep state calms the mind and balances brain waves to reduce stress and anxiety. The restoration from a 90 min float is equivalent to a 3-hour nap and therefore fantastic for sleep deprivation and insomnia. This effective treatment gives your body a chance to heal and restore providing much relief. Check out Salt Wellness to book your first float for only $45 if you mention this blog.
Detoxification is a naturally occurring and important function within our body system. When overloaded with toxins, the body’s organs are less effective as the pathways get blocked. We then begin to exhibit symptoms such as lethargy, weight gain, acne, pain, headaches, food sensitivities, hormone imbalances, poor sleep and stress. We can lessen the strain on our bodies with daily maintenance such as eating whole foods, focusing on organic fruits and vegetables, increasing water intake and resting more often. For a more effective periodic cleanse, you can try detoxifying treatments such as infrared sauna therapy and a detox foot bath, both which pull debris from your lymph, cells, organs and tissues, relieving many symptoms including pain and fatigue. Additionally, when toxins that get stored easily in fat cells are eliminated, excess fat can then be burned much more efficiently encouraging healthy weight loss. When doing so appropriately and safely, periodic cleansing will help you feel better overall.
Indulging is a fun part of the holidays. Most often, many can experience uncomfortable symptoms including indigestion, cramping, nausea and acid reflux.
These symptoms can put a damper on the spirit in the moment. Here are a few tricks you can use to help relieve some of these symptoms and assist with digesting rich foods and sweet treats: a) Incorporate whole foods such as grains, fruits, vegetables and some protein before your treats to keep you from overeating. b) Take a digestive enzyme (multi-spectrum) with your heavier meals. c) Include a 25-50 billion probiotic to aid in better digestion and improve your immunity. d) Try some refrigerated sauerkraut (keep your tummy happy with its healthy bacteria; naturally fermented/sour foods are known to assist with digestion). You can have your enzymes, probiotics, whole foods, maybe some sauerkraut and eat your cake too! Wishing you a symptom free, healthy, safe and happy holiday! Lehla Detoxification is a naturally occurring important function within our body system.When overloaded with toxins, the body’s organs are less effective as the pathways get blocked.We then begin to exhibit symptoms such as lethargy, weight gain, acne, pain, headaches, food sensitivities, hormone imbalances, poor sleep and stress.We can lessen the strain on our bodies by periodically doing a mild cleanse that includes eating whole foods focusing on organic fruits and vegetables, increasing water intake and herbal teas and resting more often for at least 1-2 weeks.You can achieve even better results from infrared saunas which pull debris out of your tissues, dry brushing to move the lymph, and light exercise to circulate and clean the blood. If you choose to use herbal supplements, please seek advice from your health practitioner as these may not be suitable for everyone.
In my experience, chronic pain and fatigue sufferers have usually had some exposure to stress/trauma, physical injuries, IBS, heavy metal toxicity, flora imbalance and an overly acidic body from lack of alkaline foods and water. There are several small things you can do that can make a big difference including gentle detoxification, remineralization, taking a good quality probiotic and moving the body mindfully. It can also be very helpful to have support from a coach, counsellor or therapist to help you with any previous trauma or stress being held in the body and to assist you with healthy boundaries and relationships in your daily life. At Salt, we have a number of healing treatments well suited for those suffering with pain and fatigue (floatation therapy, halo (salt) therapy, infrared sauna, detox foot bath) as well as a variety of health practitioners to assist with stress management, mind/body work and counselling.
Read to Learn moreOur frequently asked questions from Lehla Moran a Registered Holistic Nutritionist. Who specializes in chronic pain and fatigue, and performs health and stress assessments at Salt Wellness. Read more and learn if your symptoms could be reduced with the best practitioner/treatment for your needs. Categories |