Floating, also known as sensory deprivation, has become very popular lately as it has been proven to be extremely helpful to those suffering from pain, insomnia, migraines, misalignment,
and many other various ailments that arise due to the ones already mentioned. Floating allows you to block out environmental stimulus while becoming weightless.This allows the body to completely “let go”.With 800-1000 lbs of Epsom salts in each tank, this magnesium rich solution forces the muscles to relax allowing bones to realign, reducing pain and pressure within the body and allowing the body to enter into a deep restorative state.The restoration from a 90 min float is equivalent to a 3-hour nap, and during this time, the body can then heal and restore.
Awareness is simply being in the moment and experiencing whatever is happening in that moment, without judgement and accepting things as they are. How easy or difficult this may be will be different for everybody. Practicing self awareness is most effective when you are alone and without any devices to distract you.You might start by simply noticing your breathing periodically throughout the day; taking a walk in a forest and absorbing the nature around you (also called forest bathing); journaling about your thoughts and feelings as a private way to express them. If you find that this is too difficult or causing more stress, you may need to seek some support for more mindful-based exercises such as somatic yoga, working with a counsellor/coach or floating, which is an excellent way to reach a deep state of relaxation so your mind and body can be in more balance with each other. If you would like more information on how to achieve more awareness, contact Lehla at [email protected].
Dry Salt Therapy is a therapeutic and healing treatment used to treat and improve a variety of symptoms including asthma, allergies, flus, eczema, psoriasis, and most inflammatory diseases/conditions. Salt is known to have anti-bacterial, anti-viral and anti-inflammatory properties and therefore very healing and immune boosting.The magnesium content in the salt helps to relax muscles and your mind improving sleep and digestion. Lastly, the added bonus of this treatment has been shown to improve skin quality and appearance and therefore healthy skin aging. Salt therapy is a safe and natural treatment with no harmful side effects. Everyone can benefit including children, the elderly, auto immune compromised, athletes for better performance or especially those suffering with respiratory diseases and skin conditions.
Chances are there is dysbiosis present which means the flora is imbalanced. The ratio of “friendly” versus “unfriendly” bacteria is off and usually there is too much “unfriendly” in the small intestine where they shouldn’t be. We all have numerous strains of bacteria residing in our gut and a healthy gut has about 20% unfriendly bacteria and 80% friendly bacteria.When the “unfriendly” become higher in numbers, the beneficial bugs weaken. The stomach valve (ileocecal valve)
also weakens and the unbeneficial bacteria can climb up into the small intestine. This is also known as SIBO or Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth. Uncomfortable symptoms can then present themselves such as gas, indigestion and an acidic environment that can attract other unhealthy pathogens. Conditions such as IBS, GERD and food sensitivities can then develop causing many other health problems. Depending on the severity of your condition, you can start by starving the unfriendly pathogens from their favorite food, SUGAR. A holistic nutritionist can prepare a specific program to help you repair your leaky gut. Repetitive stress exposure can wreak havoc on our hard-working adrenal glands, causing us to have lower resilience towards stress. The adrenal glands are normally prepared to handle both positive and short term negative stress but when acute stress turns into a chronic form, this can lead to burnout and if left unmanaged, eventually other health problems. Burnout can include extreme fatigue, over or under active thyroid and inability to perform regular daily tasks. This can lead to utter exhaustion that leaves you feeling bedraggled, exhausted, nervous energy causing poor sleep and digestive issues. Doing some mind/body work can help you manage your stress and give you more energy and resilience to any new stress. This can be as simple as deep breathing exercises and gentle physical exercise to start (walking, yoga). If you feel this isn’t enough or you are having trouble initiating action, reach out to a health coach or counsellor who can help.
EMFs, Electro Magnetic Frequencies are positively charged ions that we are exposed to from all types of electromagnetic pollution including electricity, blue tooth signals and WiFi. This pollution disrupts the body’s nervous system and can cause an array of problems including insomnia, restlessness, anxiety and fatigue.We can reduce our exposure by turning off WiFi when not in use, using airplane mode or turning off the phone while you sleep and avoiding overuse of wireless technology and electronic equipment when possible. Negative ions (healthy) offset the positively charged ions (unhealthy) produced from EMFs and these are found naturally in nature.Walking in forests (forest bathing), along the beach (near the ocean) or standing in front of a waterfall all offset the EMF pollution. The natural elements in genuine Himalayan salt lamps also contain these healthy negative ions and can clean the air in a room and send a negative charge to neutralize the EMF pollution. Be sure to choose an authentic salt product for effective results.
Repetitive stress exposure, every day toxins and an unhealthy lifestyle can lead to dehydrated, undernourished and lethargic cells.This creates sickly/damaged cells that become worn out and then retire. While our bodies can produce new cells every day, as we age, this process becomes less efficient. If we are not taking care of our bodies, new cells can become damaged more quickly leading to mental illness, chronic disease, burnout and physical limitations. While leading a healthy lifestyle and sleeping well will certainly have a positive effect on your health, the every day toxicity we are exposed to can leave our cells vulnerable to pathogen attacks and fatigue. Cells require water, oxygen and nutrients to function properly and release waste. Healthy cells will then absorb any surrounding nutrients if they are available. Detoxing periodically and incorporating a whole cell food is recommended to support cellular health and improve pain, fatigue, mental clarity and overall well being. Our health begins with our cells!
While different things make our hearts beat, our hearts do have something in common.They all require nurturing to thrive and be healthy. How do we nurture our hearts? Usually,we depend on others to do this however, giving yourself love and attention through self care such as looking after your body, respecting your heart’s boundaries and limits, eating when you’re hungry and resting when you are tired, is a way for you to nurture yourself. When you nurture and listen to your heart’s signals, your heart sings! Research shows that regular activity, (including heart pumping cardio such as brisk walking), eating heart healthy foods (walnuts, salmon, berries, spinach, flax seeds, green tea and yes even a bit of red wine!) and getting adequate sleep and rest promotes heart health and longevity. Self care doesn’t have to be expensive or complicated; it can be as simple as paying attention and listening to the messages coming from your physical body and emotional heart and soul.
An ionic Detox Foot Bath system stimulates the body cell’s energy & creates an osmosis process moving cellular waste from the body. Each foot bath will help the body with cellular cleansing and toxin release from the lymph, liver, skin, joints and other body systems and organs. It is recommended to use a “one-way” system (some systems have two) so that nothing is going into the body, only toxins being drawn out. Benefits include pain relief, clearing up skin irritations, improved mental clarity, better mobility, better sleep and improved circulation (to mention a few). When you get the toxins out, you feel better as your body feels better and therefore this treatment can also improve mood and general well being. It is recommended to replenish with a cell food or trace mineral supplement before, during and after a treatment.
Detoxification is a naturally occurring important function within our body system. When overloaded with toxins, the body’s organs are less effective as the pathways get blocked.We then begin to exhibit symptoms such as lethargy, weight gain, acne, pain, headaches, food sensitivities, hormone imbalances, poor sleep and stress.We can lessen the strain on our bodies by periodically doing a mild cleanse that includes eating whole foods focusing on organic fruits and vegetables, increasing water intake and herbal teas and resting more often for at least 1-2 weeks.You can achieve even better results from infrared saunas which pull debris out of your tissues, dry brushing to move the lymph, and light exercise to circulate and clean the blood. If you choose to use herbal supplements, please seek advice from your health practitioner as these may not be suitable for everyone.
Read to Learn moreOur frequently asked questions from Lehla Moran a Registered Holistic Nutritionist. Who specializes in chronic pain and fatigue, and performs health and stress assessments at Salt Wellness. Read more and learn if your symptoms could be reduced with the best practitioner/treatment for your needs. Categories |